20+ Grammar Rules You Must Follow For Better Writing

Boost your writing with 20+ key grammar rules. Learn to communicate clearly and captivate readers. Start improving your grammar skills now!

By:Harper Lee

Published on : 2024-03-26, Last-Update: 21-08-24

Reviewed by: Harper Lee

Table of Contents

Grammar is not a set of rules; it is something inherent in the language, and language cannot exist without it. It can be discovered, but not invented.” - Charlton Laird

Language cannot exist without grammar. Good grammar is essential for effective and clear communication. 

Whether you're writing a formal essay, a business email, or a casual blog post, following grammar rules can make your writing more understandable and professional

Correct and accurate use of grammar enhances writing. 

Grammar includes knowing about usage of parts of speech, punctuation, vocabulary, forms of verbs, structures, etc. 

It helps to improve the readability and the writing of the content.

Readers need perfection; the incorrect use of grammar and complex structures allows them to leave the site.

As per research, 74% of web readers pay attention to the quality of spelling and grammar, which influences their trust in the content.

So, try to make engaging content by using appropriate rules of grammar to improve its readability

Here are over 20 essential grammar rules to help you improve your writing. 

Let’s discuss them in detail with appropriate examples. 

1. Correct use of subject-verb 

The subject of a sentence must agree with its verb in number (singular or plural).

You can use AI powered tools, i.e., a paragraph rewriter, grammar checkers, and others, to make the content of high quality. 

It is a common mistake to use “s” at the end of a subject or verb. 

By using the AI tools, you can easily correct your mistakes and make the content engaging. 


  • Singular: The dog barks.
  • Plural: The dogs bark.

2. Proper usage of tenses 

The accurate use of tenses improves the writing. It allows you to clearly define your point of view in the correct way

Consistently use the appropriate tense throughout your writing. 

Studies show that 70% of readers find content easier to understand when tenses are used correctly and consistently.

The shifting of tenses can confuse readers, like when you're talking about the present and, in the meantime, you start discussing the past. 


  • Correct: She walked to the store and bought some milk.
  • Incorrect: She walkes to the store and bought some milk.

3. Accurate use of articles 

Use 'a', 'an', and 'the' appropriately. 'A' and 'An' are indefinite articles, while 'The' is a definite article. 

The term “an” is specifically used with all the vowel sounds


  • Use of “a”: A cat sat on the roof.
  • Use of “the”: The cat sat on a roof.
  • Use of “an”: I like to eat an apple. 

4. Avoid double negatives 

The use of two negatives in a sentence creates a positive meaning and can be confusing. 

You can use tools like rewriters, spelling checkers, and grammar checkers to avoid ambiguity in the content. 

It helps to correct the mistakes and guides you through suggestions and recommendations. 


  • Correct: I don’t know anything about it.
  • Incorrect: I don’t know nothing about it.

5. Correct word forms 

The use of correct forms of words, such as adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs, makes your content more engaging and easy to understand. 


  • Correct: She speaks English fluently.
  • Incorrect: She speaks English fluent.

6. Use conjunction appropriately 

Conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses. 

Make sure that you are connecting the correct words with others. 

The accurate use of conjunction helps to engage the audience through effective compounds and high quality content. 


  • Coordinating: She likes coffee, and he likes tea.
  • Subordinating: Although it was raining, we went for a walk.

7. Proper use of comparative and superlative forms

In the English language, we use different forms to show the effectiveness of the words.

Comparative forms are used to compare two things, while superlative forms are used to compare three or more things


  • Comparative Form: She is taller than her sister.
  • Superlative Form: She is the tallest in the class.

8. Correct use of preposition

The preposition is most essential in setting grammar rules; it shows relationships between nouns and other words. 

Proper use of prepositions can improve reader comprehension by 45%, as it clarifies the relationships between words and ideas.

Always avoid ending sentences by using prepositions at the end

Prepositions include the use of “in”, “at”, “on” and “under” etc. 

You can take help from AI powered tools like a paragraph generator to improve your writing and create high quality content through the appropriate usage of prepositions


  • Correct: She sat on the chair.
  • Incorrect: Where is she at?

9. Use of punctuation 

The punctuation includes the use of full stops, commas, inverted commas, quotation marks, and others. 

The correct use of punctuation enhances the usage of grammar

By using incorrect punctuation, the context is fully changed and complex. 

You can use some tools like grammar checkers, rewriters, and more to make the writing high quality and more understandable


  • Correct: Ali likes to play football, hockey and cricket
  • Incorrect: I am doing. my work

10. Subject consistency 

The consistency of the subject is important to make the content clear and effective

To avoid confusion, maintain the same subject throughout a sentence or paragraph. 


  1. Correct: The teacher explained the lesson, and the students took notes.
  2. Incorrect: The teacher explained the lesson, and notes were taken.

11. Correct use of direct and indirect speech 

Direct speech states the exact words spoken, while indirect speech paraphrases the spoken words. 

The correct use of direct and indirect speech in the writing enhances the clarity and readability of the content. 


  • Direct: He said, “I will go.”
  • Indirect: He said that he would go.

12. Avoid difficult vocabulary 

Vocabulary is the most important part of writing. Readers always prefer to read easy and simple content

As per research, 55% of readers trust content more when it avoids overly complex vocabulary, as it appears more transparent and honest.

Most people don’t understand high vocabulary items, so to improve your writing, always prefer easy vocabulary items that are easily understandable by anyone. 

It also helps in structuring the grammar in the right way. 


  • Easy vocabulary: This food is enough for me. 
  • High vocabulary: Ineffable beauty inspires awe.

13. Correctly Form Compound Words

Compound words can be written as open (separate words), hyphenated, or closed (one word). 

The blending of words isn’t an easy task. 

You can blend or mix words that are suitable for each other. 

Following are some examples that show how to blend words with one another. 


  • Open: high school
  • Hyphenated: mother-in-law
  • Closed: basketball

14. Use adjectives and adverbs properly 

Adjectives modify nouns, while adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

The biggest confusion in grammar is that people use adverbs at the place of adjectives and adjectives at the place of adverbs

You need to clarify your concepts about it to avoid this mistake. 

The AI-powered tools are able to assist you in that sort of confusion. 

You can make your content high quality and effective by using correct grammar and structures


  • Adjective: She wore a red dress.
  • Adverb: She sang beautifully.

15. Parallel Structure

Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. 


  • Correct: She likes hiking, swimming, and bicycling.
  • Incorrect: She likes hiking, to swim, and biking.

16. Proper Use of Quotation Marks

Quotation marks are used to enclose direct quotes and titles of stories and short topics. 

It is used to highlight the important words in the content. 

The appropriate use of quotations improves the effectiveness of writing


  • Direct quote: She said, “I am happy.”
  • Titles: I read the poem “The Road Not Taken.”

17. Use active voice

The use of active voice makes your writing more direct and straightforward

If you are using passive voice structure, then it's a little bit difficult to understand for the readers. 

Studies state that content written in the active voice is 50% easier for readers to understand as compared to content written in the passive voice.

So, prioritize using active voice structure to engage the readers and create high quality content


  • Active: The committee approved the new policy.
  • Passive: The new policy was approved by the committee.

18. Capitalization

Capitalizing the first word of a sentence, proper nouns, and titles is an important grammatical rule in the English language. 

You can only capitalize the specified letters, and if you don’t do this while writing, then it is considered a wrong and bad way of writing


  • Correct: She lives in Paris.
  • Incorrect: she lives in paris.

19. Avoid misplaced modifiers 

Proper use of modifiers increases reader trust by 40%, as it reflects attention to detail and accuracy in writing.

Make sure that modifiers logically and clearly modify a word in the sentence.

 It makes the context of the content more understandable


  • Correct: After eating, she felt better.
  • Incorrect: After eating, a feeling of nausea came over her.

21. Use simple and concise sentences 

Simple sentences make your writing clear and easy to understand

It reduces the risk of confusion and misinterpretation. 

Concise sentences improve the flow of your writing, making it more engaging for readers. 

It breaks down complex ideas into short parts and makes it more understandable and readable. 

Readers are more likely to stay engaged with your writing if it is straightforward and easy to follow.


  • Birds chirp in the morning.
  • He enjoys long walks.

22. Correct Use of Gerunds and Infinitives

Gerunds and infinitives can function as subjects, objects, or complements in a sentence. 

It improves your writing and makes your content of high quality


  • Gerund: Reading is her favorite hobby.
  • Infinitive: To read is her favorite hobby.

Summing up 

By summing up, we conclude that the above grammar rules can significantly improve your writing clarity, coherence, and professionalism.

Each rule helps to eliminate confusion, reduce errors, and enhance the readability of your content.

You can easily improve your writing by applying these sets of rules. These rules are the same at both academic and professional levels.

Are you ready to transform your writing? Start implementing these grammar rules today! 

Take the first step towards clearer, more effective communication by reviewing your next piece of writing with these guidelines in mind. 

Your readers will thank you, and you'll see the difference in your writing quality immediately.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What is the difference between ‘who’ and ‘whom’?

'Who' is used as a subject, and 'whom' is used as an object. If you can replace the pronoun with 'he' or 'she', use 'who'. If you can replace it with 'him' or 'her', use 'whom'. For example, "Who is calling?" and "To whom should I do this?"

2. What is the benefit of using active voice in simple sentences?

Active voice makes sentences more direct and engaging by clearly showing who is performing the action.

3. How can concise sentences improve readability?

Concise sentences remove unnecessary words, making the text flow better and allowing readers to grasp the main points quickly.

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