7+ Formatting Tips to Improve the Content Readability

Discover 7+ essential formatting tips to enhance your content's readability. Learn how to captivate readers and boost engagement.

By:Harper Lee

Published on : 2024-03-04, Last-Update: 23-07-24

Reviewed by: Harper Lee

Table of Contents

People now have shorter attention spans. They only read content that grabs them or gives them clear value. 

With so much information online, it's important to catch readers' attention fast and keep it.

Writing engaging and compelling content is the only way to gain user engagement.

It's not just about what you say, but how you present it

The structure and format of your content play a crucial role in keeping readers interested and encouraging them to explore your ideas further.

When you don't use formatting tips to improve readability, your readers be like: "What's happening here?" 

This confusion can lead to high bounce rates and lost opportunities to connect with your audience. 

Poorly formatted content can be overwhelming and off-putting, causing readers to click away before they've even given your message a chance.

Miscrosoft’s research states, now have a shorter attention span (8 seconds) than Goldfish (9 seconds). 

In this article, I will discuss the top 7 ways to strategically structure your content for better readability

These techniques are designed to help you create content that not only looks appealing but also enhances the reader's experience and comprehension.

So, let's get started!

Benefits of structuring your content

Below are the benefits of formatting your content. Understanding these advantages can motivate you to invest time and effort in improving your content's structure:

  • Well-structured content is easier to read and more inviting to read.
  • When readers find your content understandable, they're more likely to stay on your page and interact with it.
  • Proper formatting makes your content more accessible to all readers, including those with visual impairments or learning disabilities.
  • Search engines favor well-structured content, potentially boosting your rankings.
  • Good structure helps guide readers through your content, maintaining their focus on key points.
  • Well-formatted content is easier to repurpose for various platforms and mediums.

7+ formatting tips to improve your content's readability

Following are the top 8 formatting tips to improve your content's readability:

1. Break down complex topics

When you start writing, keep in mind to break the content into manageable chunks that are easy to understand for the reader. 

This approach is particularly important when dealing with complex or technical subjects.

This breaking and structuring will give your content an easy and readable form. It will also assist your reader to read text and know about your context easily. 

By presenting information in bite-sized pieces, you allow readers to digest and process information more effectively.

Studies show that articles that simplify complex topics can boost reader retention by 30%, as well-structured content keeps readers engaged. 

For this purpose, you can use AI tools

They provide great assistance in summarizing or writing complex topics easily. These tools can help you identify the core concepts and present them in a more understandable format.

You can use paragraph rewriter to break down complex topics. This tool can help rephrase and restructure your content to improve clarity and readability.

It provides you with the following benefits:

  • Improves readability
  • Grasp more knowledge
  • Increases engagement

2. Use clear and concise headings

Headings work like a hook for readers. As many users in the world skim the content before reading, it will give them an idea of what this piece of content is about

They serve as signposts, guiding readers through your content and helping them find the information they're looking for quickly.

For this purpose, you can use descriptive and keyword-rich headings that accurately reflect the content of each section. 

This not only helps readers but also contributes to better SEO performance.

Do you know?

80% of visitors will only read the headline of a page or article. 

And, as you know, positive headlines can boost clicks from internet users by 10%

The way you phrase your headings can significantly impact user engagement and click-through rates.

It provides the following benefits:

  • Enhanced scanability
  • Improves comprehension
  • Increase engagement
  • Accessible to readers for skimming

3. Include white spaces in your content

White spaces are the empty spaces between lines of text, paragraphs, and images.

They're not just blank areas; they're a crucial design element that can significantly enhance the readability of your content.

These spaces in your content formatting are very necessary. They provide visual relief and prevent your content from looking cluttered or overwhelming.

A study by Smashing Magazine found that line spacing of 1.5x to 2.0x the font size significantly improves readability

This finding underscores the importance of giving your text room to breathe.

The spaces provide visual breaks for readers and make your content less terrifying

They allow the eye to rest and refocus, reducing eye strain and making the reading experience more pleasant.

It provides the following advantages:

  • Increases readability
  • Enhances user engagement
  • Manageable content

4. Add bullet points or lists

The use of bullet points or lists is a good way of structuring your content. This formatting works excellent for presenting short, specific pieces of information. 

Lists break up the monotony of paragraph text and make important points stand out.

As per research, blogs that feature 1 or more lists drive 2X as much traffic. 

They make your content readable, scannable,, and easier to understand. 

In an age where many readers skim content before deciding to read in-depth, bullet points can be a powerful tool to convey key information quickly.

It provides the below-mentioned benefits:

  • Enhances scanability
  • Increases clarity
  • Boosts engagement

5. Use bold and italics

The right use of bold and italics in your content can make it very compelling for the reader. It shows that it could be important data or information for the user. 

These formatting options can draw attention to key points, making them more memorable.

Do you know? 40% of readers find it easier to understand content when important information is emphasized in bold or italics.

But avoid overusing them, as it can distract the user and make your content very ugly.

The key is to use these formatting options strategically to emphasize truly important information.

It has the following benefits:

  • Enhances content clarity
  • Highlights keypoints
  • Increases scanability

6. Maintain your content voice throughout article

Maintaining your tone of voice throughout the content is very necessary. It will help establish your brand identity and make your content more relatable to your audience. 

A consistent voice creates a sense of familiarity and builds trust with your readers.

As per the study, 65% of consumers report feeling more connected to a brand with a consistent voice across its content.

The same tone of voice in your content increases your brand's credibility as well as efficiency

It helps readers recognize your content across different platforms and mediums, reinforcing your brand identity.

Ensuring your content voice is the same throughout will also result in high quality content

It demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail, which can enhance your audience's perception of your brand.

It provides the following advantages:

  • Brand recognition
  • Enhances clarity
  • Stroger connection with audience
  • Increases engagement

7. Adding visuals and infographics

Inserting visuals or infographics into your content can break up the text and increase the readability of the content.

Visual elements can convey complex information quickly and effectively, complementing your written content.

For this, choose and create visuals that are relevant and high in quality. Poor quality or irrelevant images can detract from your content rather than enhance it.

As per wifitalent research, articles with images get 94% more total views than those without, and using infographics can increase traffic by 12%

It provides many benefits, which are as follows:

  • Grabs user attention
  • Seo benefits
  • Enhance understanding
  • Make your content more engaging

8. Avoid jargon

When structuring your content, it's crucial to avoid excessive use of jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand. 

While industry-specific language has its place, overusing it can alienate readers and make your content less accessible.

Instead, aim for clarity and simplicity in your language. 

Studies show that 85% of readers are more likely to understand and engage with content that avoids jargon.

If you must use technical terms, consider providing brief explanations or definitions to ensure all readers can follow along. 

This approach helps make your content more inclusive and engaging for a broader audience.

benefits of avoiding jargon include:

  • Improved comprehension
  • Wider accessibility
  • Increased engagement
  • Better retention of information

9. Proofreading and editing

Proofreading and editing your content before publishing is a very crucial thing that no one can skip. It's the final step in ensuring that your content is polished, professional, and error-free.

It helps you identify any spelling and grammar mistakes, as well as the jargon or fluff in your content. 

This process can also help you refine your ideas and improve the overall flow of your writing.

74% of web readers notice the quality of the spelling and grammar

It indicates the professionalism and credibility of your brand. 

Well-edited content shows that you care about quality and attention to detail, which can enhance your readers' trust in your brand.

Following are some of its advantages:

  • Error elimination
  • Enhanced readability
  • Improves creadibilty

Summing up

Capturing attention and ensuring that your audience understands your content is crucial. Because gone are the days when we used to write for the search engines.

Now, search engines promote and like content that is engaging and relevant to your targeted audience.

For this, I have shared the top seven plus strategies that can make your content relatable, easy to understand, and of good quality.

Create clear headings, short paragraphs, and bulleted lists for easy navigation. Break up the text with captivating visuals, and use white space.

By implementing these steps, you will be able to create high-quality content for your audience.

Start implementing formatting strategies today to transform your content and captivate your audience like never before!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the most common mistake people make when structuring content?

Adding large blocks of textual content without breaking paragraphs, white spaces, or clear and concise headings. 

2. How often am I supposed to use the bold and italics features in my textual content?

Well, there is no such limitation to this. But you can use them twice in a paragraph to emphasize any main point or piece of information, not for decoration. 

3. How does content structure impact SEO?

Search engines favor well-structured content that is easy for users and crawlers to navigate.

4. Does formatting really enhance content readability?

Yes, structuring your content can increase its readability. 

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